National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer (REST) XML Web Service
NOAA's National Weather Service offers several XML Services:
|Forecasts||Forecast XML Change Notices||Watch/warnings||Current Observations||Tropical Cyclone Advisories||Storm Prediction Center Forecast Products|
- What is NDFD XML (DWML and TSML)?
- Why provide an NDFD XML Web Service?
- How often is NDFD XML data updated?
- How is NDFD XML data generated?
- What does NDFD XML data contain?
- How Do You Use the Web Service?
- NDFD XML Web Service Constraints, Guidelines, and Best Practices
- The NDFD XML Web Services REST page
- WHAT'S NEW: NWS NDFD XML Web Service Change Notices
- Information on different NDFD XML Web Service versions
- Point of Contact Information for NDFD XML Web Service Issues
What is NDFD XML (DWML and TSML)?
The National Digital Forecast
Database (NDFD) Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web Service
provides the public, government agencies, and commercial enterprises
with data from the National Weather Service’s (NWS) digital
forecast database. This service, which is defined in the original Service
Description Document, provides NWS customers and partners
the ability to request NDFD
data over the internet and receive the information back in
an XML format (Note, many updates, including a REST service, and an additional XML encoding standard, have been added to the
NDFD XML Web Service since the original Service Description Document was drafted). The request/response process is
made possible by the NDFD XML Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) server or Representational State Transfer (REST).
To see the details of the
NDFD XML SOAP service, go to the following server link and click on
NDFDgen or NDFDgenByDay:
If the web service description provided by the SOAP server does
not meet your needs, similar information is available in the following
Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document:
This NDFD Web Service uses XML
to enhance the ease with which NWS customers, partners, and other clients, can integrate
NDFD data into their computer applications. XML is a W3C
standard that allows its users to create languages with HTML-like
tags and attributes.
XML schemas define the language’s vocabulary (available
tags and attributes) and syntax (expected order of tags) used to encode the NDFD data returned
from the web service. Knowing how NDFD XML is constructed, users can write programs to process
the XML document to extract the data it contains.
Two different encoding formats of XML: DWML and TSML
This version of the NDFD XML Web Service allows the choice of two different XML formats for encoding geospatial data.1) Digital Weather Markup Language (DWML) The first option, DWML, is a NDFD local dialect of XML,
created by the NWS.
Its schema can be found at the
following link:
To see a sample DWML document that
conforms to the DWML schema, click on any of the following links:
2) Timeseries Markup Language (TSML)
The second option of XML formatting offered, TSML, is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recognized International encoding Standard, unlike DWML.
Because of this, TSML:
Offers greater interoperability: the ability of different information systems, products, or applications, whose interfaces are understood, to connect with other products or systems.
Defines the semantics of observational (in the NDFD case, forecast) data as a timeseries for data exchange.
Profiles the Observations and Measurements standard to define a result of type timeseries.
Allows the encoding of many latitude/longitude points as a collection (tsml:Collection) of observation members with each geographic point denoted as the feature of interest.
The TSML schemas can be found at the following link. The TSML schema version currently used is 1.2
To see a sample TSML document that conforms to the TSML schemas, click on any of the following links:
Why provide an NDFD XML Web Service?
The National Weather Service is striving to serve society’s
needs for weather and climate information by evolving its services from a text-based
paradigm to one based on making NWS information available quickly,
efficiently, and in convenient and understandable forms. The
NDFD is one example of this transformation. The NDFD XML Web Service takes
yet another step towards a digital services era by making NDFD
data available for computer to computer transfer and processing. NWS
customers and partners can then enhance the value of NDFD data
through the creation of value added products.
You can provide comments on this web service from the following
How often is NDFD XML data updated?
The NDFD is updated two times per hour. We request developers
using this web service for local applications only make a request
for a specific point no more than twice an hour. The database is
currently updated by 25 and 55 minutes after the hour.
How is NDFD XML data generated?
The first step to providing NDFD XML data is the creation of the NDFD. For
more information on how NDFD is created, visit the NDFD
home page.
With NDFD data available, a user can create a client application
that formulates and sends a SOAP request to the NDFD XML Web Service SOAP server. The
SOAP request is processed, creating the DWML document which is
returned to the requesting application for processing. Figure
1 provides a graphical view of the process.

Figure 1. NDFD XML Web Service SOAP Process
Alternatively, with the REST service, a user can generate a URL with the query parameters, and their associated key value pairs, that contains the specific NDFD request. The user can then incorporate this resulting GET HTTP REST request URL into their client applications. More information can be found in the REST section
What does the NDFD XML Web Service contain?
The Web Service returns forecasts for any combination of the following
meteorological and climatological elements listed here:
(NOTE: only Long-Duration Hazards and Watches, Warnings, and Advisories are available through this service. Special Weather Statements and Short-Duration Hazards such as Tornado Warnings have valid times that can span minutes, and the data refresh for the NDFD is hourly. Thus, these shorter duration hazards can be missed due to their short temporal resolution so they are not included).
A quick list of the NDFD elements that can be queried for in this version of the NDFD XML Web Service is here: NDFD Element Names
These NDFD elements can be retrieved in their unsummarized form
using the functions NDFDgen() or NDFDgenZip(). A subset of these elements, in summarized
form over either 24 or 12 hourly forecast periods, can be retrieved using the functions NDFDgenByDay()
or NDFDgenByDayZip. See the section below titled "How Do You
Use the Web Service?" for more details on these four functions.
In addition to its meteorological content, the NDFD XML returned also contains meta
data about the product. For returned data encoded in DWML, a description of the meta data as
well as data XML tags and attributes can be found in the Digital
Weather Markup Language Specification [PDF] [HTML] [DOC]
Finally, a list of all possible fields for icons and the weather conditions can be found here: NDFD Web Service's Icon/Weather Conditions XML fields.
How Do You Use the Web Service?
For REST, please visit the NDFD XML Web Service REST Home page
The first step to using the web service is to create a SOAP client. The
client creates and sends the SOAP request to the server. The
request sent by the client then invokes one of the server functions. There
are currently nine functions: NDFDgen(), NDFDgenLatLonList(), LatLonListSubgrid(),
LatLonListLine(), LatLonListZipCode(), LatLonListSquare(), CornerPoints(),
NDFDgenByDay(), and NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(). See the tables
below for required user supplied input consisting of the input query parameter names, and their resulting values:
NDFDgen() function: Returns DWML or TSML encoded NDFD data for a
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
latitude |
Decimal |
39.21 |
The WGS84 latitude of the point
for which you want NDFD data. North latitude is positive. |
longitude |
Decimal |
-77.08 |
The WGS84 longitude of the point
for which you want NDFD data. West longitude is negative. |
product |
string |
time-series, glance |
There are two products. The “time-series” product
returns all data between the start and end times for the user
selected weather parameters in the weatherParameters input query below. The “glance” product
returns all data between the start and end times for the
parameters maxt, mint, sky, wx, icons, and wwa (hazards), by default. Note, when the “glance” (“Weather
at a Glance”) product is chosen, a choice of elements is not permitted. |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
startTime |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27T12:00:00 |
The beginning time for which
you want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the start
time is assumed to be the earliest available time in the
database. This input is only needed if one wants to shorten
the time window data is to be retrieved for (less than entire
7 days worth), e.g. if user wants data for days 2-5. |
endTime |
XML Date string |
2020-04-30T12:00:00 |
The ending time for which you
want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the end time
is assumed to be the last available time in the database.
This input is only needed if one wants to shorten The time
window data is to be retrieved for (less than entire 7 days
worth), e.g. if user wants data for days 2-5. |
Unit |
string |
e, m |
The unit data is to be formatted in.
The default value is U.S. Standard, or English units ("e").
A value of "m" will return data in Metric, or SI units (the
International System of Units). If the string is empty, data will
be returned in U.S. Standard units, thus the input is only needed
for metric conversion. |
weatherParameters |
Array of Booleans |
maxt = TRUE |
The NDFD parameters that you are
requesting. For valid inputs see the NDFD
Element Names Page. Set value to 1 for parameters wanted. |
You can view an example of how to invoke NDFDgen() by selecting "NDFD
Data For Single Point" on the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP service.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the NDFDgen() interface
NDFDgenLatLonList() function: Returns DWML or TSML encoded NDFD
data for a list of points
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
listLatLon |
string |
38.99,-77.02 39.70,-104.80 |
List of WGS84 latitude and longitude
pairs for the points for which you want NDFD data. Each
point's latitude and longitude value is seperated by a comma.
Each pair (one latitude and longitude value) is separated
by a space. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100. |
product |
string |
time-series, glance |
There are two products. The “time-series” product
returns all data between the start and end times for the
selected weather parameters in the weatherParameters input query below. The “glance” product
returns all data between the start and end times for the
parameters maxt, mint, sky, wx, icons, and wwa (hazards). Note, when the “glance” (“Weather
at a Glance”) product is chosen, a choice of elements is not permitted. |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
startTime |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27T12:00:00 |
The beginning time for which
you want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the start
time is assumed to be the earliest available time in the
database. This input is only needed if one wants to shorten
the time window data is to be retrieved for (less than entire
7 days worth), e.g. if user wants data for days 2-5. |
endTime |
XML Date string |
2020-04-30T12:00:00 |
The ending time for which you
want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the end time
is assumed to be the last available time in the database.
This input is only needed if one wants to shorten
the time window data is to be retrieved for (less than entire
7 days worth), e.g. if user wants data for days 2-5. |
Unit |
string |
e, m |
The unit data is to be formatted in.
The default value is U.S. Standard, or English units ("e").
A value of "m" will return data in Metric, or SI units (The
International System of Units). If the string is empty, data will
be returned in U.S. Standard units, thus the input is only needed
for metric conversion. |
weatherParameters |
Array of Booleans |
maxt = TRUE |
The NDFD parameters that you are
requesting. For valid inputs see the NDFD
Element Names Page. Set value to 1 for parameters wanted. |
You can view an example of how to invoke NDFDgenLatLonList()
by selecting "NDFD Data For Multiple Points" on the
following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the NDFDgenLatLonList()
interface at
LatLonListSubgrid() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude
and longitude values of all the NDFD grid points within a rectangular
subgrid as defined
by points at the lower left and upper right corners of the rectangle.
The returned list of points is suitable for input into NDFDgenLatLonList(),
NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(), and GmlLatLonList() which will return
NDFD data for those points. NOTE: The subgrid locations
will only form a rectangle when viewed in the NDFD projection
applicable to the grid.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
listType |
string |
Subgrid |
The "shape" of the data to be retrieved. |
lowerLeftLatitude |
Decimal |
33.88 |
The WGS84 latitude of the lower
left point of the rectangular subgrid for which you want
NDFD grid points. North latitude is positive. |
lowerLeftLongitude |
Decimal |
-80.06 |
The WGS84 longitude of the lower
left point of the rectangular subgrid for which you want
NDFD grid points. West longitude is negative. |
upperRightLatitude |
Decimal |
33.88 |
The WGS84 latitude of the upper
right point of the rectangular subgrid for which you want
NDFD grid points. North latitude is positive. |
upperRightLongitude |
Decimal |
-80.06 |
The WGS84 longitude of the upper
right point of the rectangular subgrid for which you want
NDFD grid points. West longitude is negative. |
resolution |
Decimal |
20.0 |
The default resolution for NDFD data is typically
2.5km. However, users can request latitude and longitude values
for resolutions greater ( 5km, 10km, 15km, 20km, etc.) than the
native resolution so as to reduce the number of points returned. |
You can view an example of how to invoke LatLonListSubgrid()
by selecting "Grid Points For Subgrid" on the following
URL client web page.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the LatLonListSubgrid()
interface at
LatLonListLine() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude and
longitude values for all points on a line defined
by the line's end points. The returned list of points is suitable
for input into NDFDgenLatLonList(), NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(), and
GmlLatLonList() which will return NDFD data for those points. NOTE: The
list of locations will only form a straight line when viewed in
the NDFD projection
applicable to the grid.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
listType |
string |
Line |
The "shape" of the data to be retrieved. |
endPoint1Lat |
Decimal |
39.00 |
The WGS84 latitude of the first
end point of the line for which you want NDFD grid points. North
latitude is positive. |
endPoint1Lon |
Decimal |
-77.00 |
The WGS84 longitude of the first
end point of the line for which you want NDFD grid points. West
longitude is negative. |
endPoint2Lat |
Decimal |
39.00 |
The WGS84 latitude of the second
end point of the line for which you want NDFD grid points. North
latitude is positive. |
endPoint2Lon |
Decimal |
-77.00 |
The WGS84 longitude of the second
end point of the line for which you want NDFD grid points. West
longitude is negative. |
You can view an example of how to invoke LatLonListLine() by
selecting "Grid Points For A Line" on the following
URL client web page.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the LatLonListLine() interface
LatLonListZipCode() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude
and longitude values for one
or more zip codes (50 United States and Puerto Rico). The returned
list of points is suitable for input into NDFDgenLatLonList(),
NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(), and GmlLatLonList() which will return
NDFD data for those points.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
zipCodeList |
string |
20910 |
The zip code of the area for
which you want NDFD grid points. |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
listType |
string |
zipCode |
The "shape" of the data to be retrieved. |
You can view an example of how to invoke LatLonListZipCode()
by selecting "Grid Points For A Zip Code" on the following
URL client web page.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the LatLonListZipCode()
interface at
LatLonListCityNames() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude
and longitude values for a predefined list of cities. The cities
are grouped into a number of subsets to facilitate requesting data.
You can view the cities in each group by clicking on the links
in the table below. The returned list of points is suitable for
input into NDFDgenLatLonList(), NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(), and GmlLatLonList()
which will return NDFD data for those points.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
displayLevel |
Integer |
12 |
1 = Primary
Cities Diagram (list of cities here).
2 = Secondary
Cities Diagram (list of cities here).
3 = Cities that
increase data density across the US, Diagram (cities 1 - 200),
(list of cities here).
4 = Cities that
increase data density across the US, Diagram (cities 201 - 304),
(list of cities here).
12 = Combines
cities in 1 and 2 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
34 = Combines
cities in 3 and 4 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
1234 = Combines
cities in 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
You can view an example of how to invoke LatLonListCityNames()
by selecting "Grid Points For NDFD Cities" on the following
web page.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the LatLonListCityNames()
interface at
LatLonListSquare() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude
and longitude values for a rectangle defined
by a center point and distances in the latitudinal and longitudinal
directions. The returned list of points is suitable for input
into NDFDgenLatLonList(), NDFDgenByDayLatLonList(), and GmlLatLonList()
which will return NDFD data for those points. NOTE: The
subgrid locations will only form a rectangle when viewed in the
NDFD projection
applicable to the grid.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
listType |
string |
Square |
The "shape" of the data to be retrieved. |
centerPointLat |
Decimal |
39.00 |
The WGS84 latitude of the center
or the rectangle for which you want NDFD grid points. North
latitude is positive. |
centerPointLon |
Decimal |
-77.00 |
The WGS84 longitude of the center
or the rectangle for which you want NDFD grid points. West
longitude is negative. |
distanceLat |
Decimal |
50.0 |
The distance from the center
point in the latitudinal direction to the rectangle's East/West
oriented sides. |
distanceLon |
Decimal |
50.0 |
The distance from the center
point in the longitudinal direction to the rectangle's North/South
oriented side. |
resolution |
Decimal |
20.0 |
The default resolution for NDFD
data is typically 2.5km. However, users can request latitude
and longitude values for resolutions greater ( 5km, 10km, 15km,
20km, etc.) than the native resolution so as to reduce the
number of points returned. |
You can view an example of how to invoke LatLonListSquare()
by selecting "Grid Points For Subgrid (Central Point)" on
the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the LatLonListSquare()
interface at
CornerPoints() function: Returns the WGS84 latitude and
longitude values for the corners
of an NDFD grid as well as the resolution required to retrieve
the entire grid and still stay under the maximum allowed point
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
listType |
string |
Corners |
The "shape" of the data to be retrieved. |
sector |
string |
conus |
One of the NDFD grids (conus,
alaska, nhemi, guam, hawaii, npacocn, and puertori). |
You can view an example of how to invoke CornerPoints() by selecting "Corner
Grid Points" on the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the CornerPoints() interface
GmlLatLonList() function: Returns Digital Weather Geography Markup Language (GML) encoded NDFD data for a list of points at a single valid time.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
listLatLon |
string |
38.99,-77.02 39.70,-104.80 |
List of WGS84 latitude and longitude
pairs for the points for which you want NDFD data. Each
point's latitude and longitude value is seperated by a comma.
Each pair (one latitude and longitude value) is separated
by a space. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100. |
requestedTime |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27T12:00:00 |
The time for which you want NDFD
data. |
featureType |
string |
Forecast_Gml2Point |
GML 2 Compliant Data Structure:
GML 3 Compliant Data Structures: Forecast_GmlsfPoint,
Forecast_GmlObs, NdfdMultiPointCoverage
KML 2 Compliant Data Structure: Ndfd_KmlPoint |
weatherParameters |
Array of Booleans |
maxt = TRUE |
The NDFD parameters that you are
requesting. For valid inputs see the NDFD
Element Names Page. Set value to 1 for parameters wanted. |
You can view an example of how to invoke GmlLatLonList() by
selecting "NDFD Data Encoded in GML for Single Time" on
the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the GmlLatLonList() interface
GML is also an OGC International Standard for encoding geospatial
data. As a result, GML and the application schema derived from
it are supported by a number of GIS applications. There are examples
of importing GML-encoded NDFD data into several applications
at the following tutorials link:
Tutorials on integrating
the NDFD Web Service and clients like ArcGIS, Google Earth, and Google Maps.
In addition to GML, the GmlLatLonList() service function can
return Keyhole Markup Language (KML) encoded NDFD data. KML can
be viewed with freely available tools like Google Earth and is also recognized by the OGC.
GmlTimeSeries() function: Returns Digital Weather in Geography Markup Language (GML) encoded
NDFD data for a list of points during a user specified time period.
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
listLatLon |
string |
38.99,-77.02 39.70,-104.80 |
List of WGS84 latitude and longitude
pairs for the points for which you want NDFD data. Each
point's latitude and longitude value is seperated by a comma.
Each pair (one latitude and longitude value) is separated
by a space. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100. |
startTime |
XML Date string |
2020-01-01T14:00:00 |
The start time for which you
want NDFD data. |
endTime |
XML Date string |
2020-01-05T23:00:00 |
The end time for which you want
NDFD data. |
compType |
string |
Between |
Comparison type. Can be IsEqual,
Between, GreatThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, or LessThanOrEqual. |
featureType |
string |
Forecast_Gml2Point |
GML 2 Compliant Data Structure:
GML 3 Compliant Data Structures: Forecast_GmlsfPoint,
Forecast_GmlObs, NdfdMultiPointCoverage
KML 2 Compliant Data Structure: Ndfd_KmlPoint |
propertyName |
comma delimited list |
maxt,mint,wx |
The NDFD element that you are
requesting. For valid inputs see the NDFD
Element Names Page. Set value to 1 for parameters wanted. |
You can view an example of how to invoke GmlTimeSeries() by
selecting "NDFD Data Encoded in GML for Time Period" on
the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the GmlLatLonList() interface
GML is also an OGC International Standard for encoding geospatial
data. As a result, GML and the application schema derived from
it are supported by a number of GIS applications. There are examples
of importing GML-encoded NDFD data into several applications
at the following tutorials link:
Tutorials on integrating
the NDFD Web Service and clients like ArcGIS, Google Earth, and Google Maps.
In addition to GML, the GmlLatLonList() service function can
return Keyhole Markup Language (KML) encoded NDFD data. KML can
be viewed with freely available tools like Google Earth.
NDFDgenByDay() function: Returns DWML or TSML encoded NDFD data
for a point. Data for each point is summarized over either 24-
or 12-hour forecast time periods. NOTE: There is no choice by user of meteorological elements for these
summarization functions. The following summarized elements are always returned by default: Maximum Temperature,
Minimum Temperature, 12 Hourly Probability of Precipitation, Weather, Icons, and Hazards (Watches, Warnings, and Advisories).
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
latitude |
Decimal |
39.00 |
The WGS84 latitude of the point
for which you want NDFD data. North latitude is positive. |
longitude |
Decimal |
-77.00 |
The WGS84 longitude of the point
for which you want NDFD data. West longitude is negative. |
startDate |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27 |
The beginning day for which you
want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the start
date is assumed to be the earliest available day in the database.
This input is only needed if one wants to shorten the time window
data is to be retrieved for (less than entire 7 days worth), e.g.
if user wants data for days 2-5. |
numDays |
Integer |
7 |
The number of days worth of NDFD
data you want. Default will be all available data in the database.
This input is only needed if one wants to shorten the time window
data is to be retrieved for (less than entire 7 days worth), e.g.
if user wants data for days 2-5. |
Unit |
string |
e, m |
The unit data is to be formatted in.
The default value is U.S. Standard, or English units ("e").
A value of "m" will return data in Metric, or SI units (The
International System of Units). If the string is empty, data will
be returned in U.S. standard units, thus the input is only needed
for metric conversion. |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
format |
string |
12 hourly, 24 hourly |
There are two formats. The “24
hourly” format returns NDFD data summarized for a 24
hour forecast period running from 6:00 AM to 6:00 AM. The “12
hourly” format summarizes NDFD data into two 12 hour
forecast periods per day that run from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and 6:00
PM to 6:00 AM |
You can view an example of how to invoke NDFDgenByDay() by selecting "NDFD
Data For Single Point" on the following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the NDFDgenByDay() interface
NDFDgenByDayLatLonList() function: Returns DWML or TSML encoded NDFD
data for a list of points. Data for each point is summarized over
either 24- or 12-hour forecast time periods. NOTE: There is no choice by user of meteorological elements for these
summarization functions. The following summarized elements are always returned by default: Maximum Temperature,
Minimum Temperature, 12 Hourly Probability of Precipitation, Weather, Icons, and Hazards (Watches, Warnings, and Advisories).
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
listLatLon |
Decimal |
39.70,-104.80 |
List of WGS84 latitude and longitude
pairs for the points for which you want NDFD data. Each
point's latitude and longitude value is seperated by a comma.
Each pair (one latitude and longitude value) is separated
by a space. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100. |
startDate |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27 |
The beginning day for which you
want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the start
date is assumed to be the earliest available day in the database. |
numDays |
Integer |
7 |
The number of days worth of NDFD
data you want. |
Unit |
string |
e, m |
The unit data is to be formatted in.
The default value is U.S. Standard, or English units ("e").
A value of "m" will return data in Metric, or SI units (The
International System of Units). If the string is empty, data will
be returned in U.S. standard units, thus the input is only needed
for metric conversion. |
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
format |
string |
12 hourly, 24 hourly |
There are two formats. The “24
hourly” format returns NDFD data summarized for a 24
hour forecast period running from 6:00 AM to 6:00 AM. The “12
hourly” format summarizes NDFD data into two 12 hour
forecast periods per day that run from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and 6:00
PM to 6:00 AM |
You can view an example of how to invoke NDFDgenByDayLatLonList()
by selecting "NDFD Data For Multiple Points" on the
following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server. To reduce resources on the web service, the number
of points requested can not exceed 100.
You can see a sample SOAP request for the NDFDgenByDayLatLonList()
interface at
NDFDgenByDayMultiCities() function: Returns DWML or TSML encoded NDFD data for a predefined list of cities. The cities are grouped into a number of subsets to facilitate requesting data. You can view the cities in each group by clicking on the links under Description in the table below. Data for each point is summarized over either 24- or 12-hour forecast time periods.
NOTE: There is no choice by user of meteorological elements for these summarization functions. The following summarized elements are always returned by default: Maximum Temperature, Minimum Temperature, 12 Hourly Probability of Precipitation, Weather, Icons, and Hazards (Watches, Warnings, and Advisories).
Input Query Name |
Type |
Example Value |
Description |
citiesLevel |
Integer |
12 |
1 = Primary
Cities Diagram (list of cities here).
2 = Secondary
Cities Diagram (list of cities here).
3 = Cities that
increase data density across the US, Diagram (cities 1 - 200),
(list of cities here).
4 = Cities that
increase data density across the US, Diagram (cities 201 - 304),
(list of cities here).
12 = Combines
cities in 1 and 2 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
34 = Combines
cities in 3 and 4 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
1234 = Combines
cities in 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, Diagram
(list of cities here).
startDate |
XML Date string |
2020-04-27 |
The beginning day for which you want NDFD data. If the string is empty, the start date is assumed to be the earliest available day in the database. This input is only
needed if one wants to shorten the time window data is to be
retrieved for (less than entire 7 days worth), e.g. if user wants
data for days 2-5. |
numDays |
Integer |
7 |
The number of days worth of NDFD data you want. If the string is empty, numDays is assumed to be the full amount of days in the database. This input is only needed if one wants to shorten
the time window data is to be retrieved for (less than entire 7 days worth), e.g. if user wants data for days 2-5. |
Unit | a
string |
e, m |
The unit data is to be formatted in.
The default value is U.S. Standard, or English units ("e").
A string value of "m" will return data in Metric, or SI units (The
International System of Units). If the string is empty, data will
be returned in U.S. Standard units, thus the input is only needed
for metric conversion.
XMLformat |
string |
The XML encoding type data is returned in.
Value can be either TSML or DWML. If not specified, the default value is DWML. |
format |
string |
12 hourly, 24 hourly |
There are two formats. The “24 hourly” format returns NDFD data summarized for a 24 hour forecast period running from 6:00 AM to 6:00 AM. The “12 hourly” format summarizes NDFD data into two 12 hour forecast periods per day that run from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM |
You can view an example of how to invoke NDFDgenByDayMultiCities()
by selecting "NDFD Data For NDFD Cities" on the
following web page, which represents a URL client to the SOAP server.
Once the SOAP server returns the XML document back, the client
can then parse the XML using any number of open source software packages.
All latitude and longitude values provided as input or in the
output XML are based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).
For more information on the NDFD spatial reference system see the NDFD Spatial Reference System page.
NDFD XML Web Service Constraints, Guidelines, and Best Practices Please consult the NDFD
Web Services Use Guidelines to ease strain on the NDFD XML Web Service.
The NDFD XML Web Services REST page
Please visit the following web page to access the Web Service via REST:
NDFD XML Web Service REST Home page
WHAT'S NEW: NWS XML Web Services Change Notices
Below are listed recent updates and change notices for the NWS NDFD XML Web Service. A
complete listing is available.
An RSS feed of the change notices
is also available. These notices are used to announce major changes such as resolution changes,
schema changes, new services, new meteorological elements offered, etc.
NDFD-XML: WSDL difference for NDFD XML Web Service on new AWS architecture. For our legacy SOAP users who access the web service via the SOAP POST method, note the updated WSDL . A new parameter called XMLformat is now in all the functions. If your application that requests NDFD XML via SOAP POST, you may need to adjust your request to accommodate this new parameter. Note, the order of the parameters matter and needs to match the order of the elements in the WSDL. Also, make sure SOAP POST requests access the endpoint with https and not http.
NDFD-XML: on different architecture. In April 2024, the NDFD XML Web Service at is now hosted on Amazon Web Service (AWS) architecture, instead of the National Weather Service's Internet Dissemination System (NIDS). Queries can be made to or will now return full resoluction NDFD, which is hourly temporal resoluction and 2.5 kilometer spatial resolution (before, it was 3 hourly temporal resolution and 5 kilometer resolution.)
NDFD-XML: Heat Risk Weather Element added to NDFD XML Web Service Heat Risk element will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They will be available for points in the Conus sector only. For more information see Description Document .
This experimental element will be available through the NDFD XML Web Service located at The name of the element as the query parameter in the service is "heatrisk" as seen here in the WSDL (
NDFD-XML: Five Experimental Aviation Weather Elements added to NDFD XML Web Service Five new Aviation elements will be added for dissemination through the NDFD XML Web Service. They will be available for points in the Conus and Puerto Rico sectors. For more information see the Product Description Document (PDD).
These experimental elements will be available for comment through May 23, 2023. These elements include Ceiling Height (defined as the lowest cloud base, measured in feet, where the cumulative sky cover is > 50%, and uses the threshold for the qualitative term “broken” or “BKN”), Visibility (values are consistent with information in the weather and hazard grids. Units are statute miles (SM) with a resolution of 0.25 SM from 0 to 1.50, inclusive, and a resolution of SM from 2 to 10 SM, inclusive. Values > 10 SM are set to 10 SM), and Low Level Wind Shear. There are 3 separate Low Level Wind Shear elements: Height (the top of the low-level wind shear layer), Wind Speed, and Wind Direction. The name of the elements in the service are "ceil", "vis", "llwsdist", "llwswindspd", and "llwswinddir", as seen here in the WSDL (
NDFD-XML: New AWS NDFD XML Web Service ( to limit the number of lat/lon points in a query to 100 to limit resource strain on the web service. For more information, see our NDFD XML Web Service Use Guidelines page at
NDFD-XML: AWS NDFD XML Web Service at Full Resolution The new NDFD XML Web Service ( is at full resolution for points queried in the CONUS sector. The spatial and temporal resolution in the NDFD as compared to the operational system on graphical ( will be available at 2.5km spatial resolution for all forecast times and at 1 hour temporal resolution for the first 36 hours from NDFD issuance time (on graphical, the spatial resolution is 5km and 3 hourly). These are the finest spatial and temporal resolutions at which Weather Forecast Offices in the Conterminous United States (CONUS) provide forecasts. More information is here in the Technical Implementation Notice and also: here.
Information on different NDFD XML web service versions
URLs that begin with '' go to the coarse-resolution
(3-hour, 5km) legacy operational NWS servers. This service has NDFD
elements that were operationally available when upgrades to this
on-prem service were frozen about 2016. A list of elements available
for this version of the NDFD XML Web Service is here: NDFD Elements on graphical
URLs that begin with '' go to the fine-resolution (1-hour, 2.5km)
experimental on-prem NWS servers. This has all NDFD elements available at lower resolution
on graphical, in higher resolution form. It also contains NDFD elements that were experimentally
available at finer resolution when upgrades to the on-prem service on graphical were frozen about 2016.
A list of elements available for this version of the NDFD XML Web Service is here: NDFD Elements on preview
In response to performance issues on both on-prem XML web services listed above
(graphical and preview), the NWS was testing NDFD XML web services for new NDFD
elements on Amazon Web Services (AWS). For more information, see:
The AWS version of the NDFD XML web service is this current one, hosted on this page at Prior,
to April 2022, it disseminated only those elements (20) the NDFD had developed since 2016. It also did not disseminate the "Weather At A
Glance", 12 hourly, or 24 hourly summary products.
URLs that begin with '', as of April 2022, now access the fine-resolution (1-hour, 2.5km)
prototype servers on AWS. This service now provides the newer (post-2016) NDFD elements that are not available
via the on-prem (graphical and preview) NWS services. It also contains the full suite of all available NDFD elements.
A list of the NDFD elements available for this version of the NDFD XML Web Service is here: NDFD Elements on digital
Point of Contact Information for NDFD XML Web Service Issues
To submit a ticket for an issue with the NWS XML Web Services, please email the
NOAA ServiceNow Platform at